Thursday, July 15, 2010

Boyd Family Reunion

I just got back a few days ago from Reno for a Boyd family reunion. Not extended Boyd famililes, just my mom and dad, Loni, Jamee and her family, and me and Beau. Unfortunately TK had to work and didn't make it. Hopefully next time. We sure missed him alot, but other than that, we had tons of fun. We went to Lake Tahoe which was absolutely beautiful. We went to a local water park and to Toy Story 3. Most of all, we had lots of family time. I really miss my family. I only see them 2 or 3 times a year, if I am lucky, and we are never all together like we were this last week. I wish we all lived closer. It was really hard to leave, not knowing when I will see them again. Jamee lives in Reno so we all stayed with her at her home. These pics are all from my phone, cause my camera battery died before I could really use it and of course I forgot the charger. My dad is gonna send me all the pics from their camera, but they are still in Reno until next week, so I probably won't get any pics until then. So ya'll will just have to enjoy the camera phone the best you can!

Beau enjoying the view! He's so cute!

Beau and Brigham loooooved eachother. Here
Beau is beating Brigham up. (Really Brigs is
letting Bugs attack him.) Brigs just loved him to
pieces and Beau felt the same. It was adorable!

Aunt Loni with Beau and Brigham.